About me

I currently live in Los Angeles and serving as the Lead UX Designer at Popdog. I've had the opportunity to work within a multitude of industries and companies. I am a versatile and multi-disciplined designer, capable of wearing different hats within startup environments. My true passion is in data-driven design, but I am always looking to pick up new skills along the way to evolve with the fast-paced nature of technology and startups. Confident and capable leading design teams, I have experience assembling and managing teams, creating efficient process and workflows, and bring value to companies through great UX and UI. Having filled the role of product management and engineering, I can seamlessly communicate and collaborate alongside those roles. At the end of the day, I am super passionate about the companies I work for and will do whatever is in my abilities to push it to success.

If you want to know more than what I fit above the fold, let's chat!